Friday, July 7, 2017

Student Assessment in a Low Tech Classroom

July 7, 2017

Currently 99% of our student assessment is done on paper via teacher observation.  Not only is this a negative for the environment, it requires time and effort for individualized observation, organization, storage, copying, and distribution. Finding an appropriate assessment technology app or site is a goal that can benefit our classroom in many ways.

Socrative is an assessment tool that looks like it would meet our goal. Diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment can take place in the classroom with the Socrative application, and that information is stored automatically. Socrative would reduce the need for our current system: one teacher taking notes during an activity while the other teacher leads, those notes are transferred over to a master sheet, copies are made, copies are distributed to all teachers and administrators, copies are filed, etc. etc.  

The You-Tube video: Technology in the Classroom is a glimpse into an elementary classroom where Socrative is used. Our classroom doesn't have individual iPads, phones, or tablets as the moment, so to implement Socrative, a conversation with our director and Board of Directors would be needed.  One thing I noticed, and liked, about the classroom featured in the video is that the students were working in pairs, so that social connection has not been lost. It shows me that peer teaching can continue, AND that 18 individual iPads would not be needed, as students can work in pairs or small groups. 
The benefits of Socrative include:
 1) A request for a smaller number of devices is obviously more appealing for a small, parochial school board with limited funding. 
 2) With all the data stored in one place, and the capability to allow access to all educators and administrators, it eliminates the need for time-consuming organization, back-and-forth communication, and waste. 
 3) The assessment becomes engaging and fun for students (with activities such as Space Race) rather than rote and required individual paper assessment. 

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