Monday, July 3, 2017

Classroom Management - Is Technology Really Needed for Early Childhood "Control"?

July 3, 2017

We currently use Responsive Classroom (RC) for our classroom management program, and I feel it is very effective. RC is an approach based on social, emotional, and academic growth due to the safe and respectful classroom community. It does not rely on technology to implement this program, and in fact, technology in place of a human connection would detract from the goals of the program. 
 That being said, I did research some classroom technology apps for this assignment. Class Dojo is one that I have heard of in my son's elementary school, but I did not hear favorable reviews from the students or the parents, in short because 1) it utilizes shame as a negative behavior deterrent, and 2) some students felt the teacher was so busy distributing or taking away behavior points that they weren't focused on actual teaching.  I found this blog that echoes my concerns with Class Dojo and similar apps. 

I can appreciate that these types of Classroom Management apps may be more effective and useful for upper elementary and secondary classrooms, but I still find it to be an interesting read for all educators.   

The best that I can come up with for my class is Bouncy Balls. The balls literally bounce higher and more frequently as the volume in the classroom increases. Currently, we turn off one light, and then the other, as the volume in the classroom increases.  The lights dimming is a visual signal for the students to adjust their voice volume so others can learn comfortably.  I suppose a computer set up somewhere central in the classroom with the Bouncy Ball app could alleviate the need for the light signal, and therefore free up a teacher from running back and forth to the light switch. To implement the app, we would need time to allow for students to experiment with the effects, (who wouldn't want to see what happens when it gets really loud?) and outline clear expectations and consequences for the volume and corresponding bouncy balls, before utilizing it on a day to day basis.  

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